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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Strategy Post - 6/9/2010

General Fitness Bonus

When hiring and training a general, it is important to have a high Fitness rating for purposes of training your units quickly and efficiently. This rating can be adjusted by the player based on the # of experience points his/her general accumulates.

General experience points are gained through:
1) Taking turns where units are gaining fitness. (Note: if the units are 100% trained, they are not gaining fitness and the general will not gain exp points.)
2) Fighting in battles
3) Fighting in kingdom wars

During the End Turn, the increase in a unit's fitness depends on several things:
1) The # of units in the location. The more units, the longer it will take the general to train all of them to their top fitness (100%).
2) The Fitness Rating of the General. A general with a low fitness rating will take longer to train units than would a general with a higher fitness rating.
3) The Leadership Rating of the General. The general only contributes his full fitness bonus IF the # of units he's training is less than or equal to his Leadership x 10. If the # of units he's training exceeds this amount, the bonus gradually approaches 0, the more units there are.

How It Works:
- Each unit requires 100 fitness points to train from 0% - 100%
- The number of fitness points used per turn is equal to the General's Fitness x 100
- We then figure out how many total fitness points are NEEDED: (# of units * 100)
and apply the fitness points towards that total.

For Example:
Player A wants to train 100 Archers in his City Zone and has a general with a 40 fitness rating and a 80 leadership rating.

* Since the leadership rating is > # of units (40) / 10, his full fitness bonus applies.
* Fitness Gain Per Turn = General Fitness (40) * 100 = 4,000 points!
* Total Fitness Points Needed = # of units (100) * 100 = 10,000 points!
* Points are assigned. Fitness gain = 4,000/10,000 = .40
* The 100 Archers will gain 40% fitness each End Turn

As you can see, a high fitness general with adequate leadership is critical to the expedient training of troops.

Note: A normal fitness gain per end turn is a random roll between .50-.75
This is gained whether a general is present or not, so the general bonus would ADD TO this gain.

Next Week: A Look at the General's Offensive Tactics Bonus

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